Шановний клієнте, просимо вважати отримані рахунки дійсними для сплати. Оригінали рахунків з печаткою та підписом надіслані на Вашу поштову адресу. З повагою, Райффайзен Лізинг Аваль.
Dear customer, please consider the received account valid for payment. The originals of the invoices with the seal and signature are sent to your postal address. best regards, Raiffeisen Leasing Aval.
Dear customer, please consider valid invoices received for payment. Original invoices stamped and signed sent to your email address. Sincerely, Raiffeisen Leasing Aval.
Dear client, ask to believe received accounts actual for amortisation. The autographs of accounts with seal and signature are sent on your post address. With respect, Raiffaizen Leasing Aval.