Сторони погоджуються, що перегляд тарифів до даного Договору буде проводитись автоматично.
Базова вартість одного літру дизельного пального - средня ціна за літр дизельного пального згідно даних сайту http://www.uapetrol.com/test/oilNews/index.html. Базова вартість дизельного палива (за літр, з ПДВ) станом на 20.04.2015 складає 20,35 гривень/літр.
При зміні базової вартості дизельного пального в сторону зменшення/збільшення більш ніж на 10%, вартість доставки вантажу також буде змінена на 5% в сторону збільшення/зменшення.
Нові тарифи вступають в силу з дати зміни базової вартості в сторону зменшення/збільшення більш ніж на 10% від попередньої базової вартості. Про зміну вартості доставки вантажу Експедитор повинен повідомити Замовника електронним листом на адреси: allard.huang@tp-link.com, yuriy.golubenko@tp-link.com, natalia.drobyazko@tp-link.com. При цьому за нову базову вартість одного літра дизельного палива приймається попередня базова вартість, змінена на 10%.
Cторони погоджують, що перегляд тарифів здійснюється двічі на місяць. Базові тарифи наведені в Додатку до цього договору. Перший перегляд базових тарифів згідно додатку до цього договору здійснюється у перший робочий день календарного місяця, при цьому тарифи дійсні до 15-го числа поточного місяця.Другий перегляд базових тарифів згідно додатку до цього договору здійснюється 16-го числа поточного місяця і дійсні до останнього числа цього місяця. Якщо день другого перегляду припадає на вихідний або святковий день, то він переноситься на наступний робочий день.
The parties agree that viewing rates for this Contract will be performed automatically. The basic cost of one litre of diesel fuel-the average price for a litre of diesel fuel according to the site http://www.uapetrol.com/test/oilNews/index.html. The basic cost of diesel fuel (per litre, including VAT) as 20.04.2015 is 20,35 per liter. When you change the base cost of diesel fuel at the side of decrease/increase by more than 10%, the cost of delivery will also be changed to 5% in the direction of increase/decrease. The new tariffs come into force from the date of change of the underlying value in the direction of decrease/increase by more than 10% from the previous base value. To change the value of the Freight Forwarder shall inform the customer's electronic mail to addresses: allard.huang@tp-link.com, yuriy.golubenko@tp-link.com, natalia.drobyazko@tp-link.com. The new base price of one liter of diesel fuel is the previous base cost is changed to 10%. Ctoroni agrees that the revision of tariffs is carried out twice a month. Basic tariffs are given in the appendix to this agreement. The first revision of basic tariffs in accordance with the annex to this contract is made on the first working day of the calendar month, the tariffs are valid until 15th of the current month. The second revision of basic tariffs in accordance with the annex to this agreement is the 16th of this month and is valid until the last day of this month. If the day of the second view falls on weekend or holiday, it moves to the next business day.

The Parties agree that tariff revision to this Agreement will be carried out automatically.
The basic cost of a liter of diesel fuel - its average price per liter of diesel fuel according to data Site http://www.uapetrol.com/test/oilNews/index.html. The base price of diesel fuel (per liter, including VAT) as of 04.20.2015 is 20.35 UAH / liter.
If you change the basic cost of diesel fuel in the direction of reduction / increase of more than 10%, the cost of delivery will also be changed to 5% upward / downward.
New rates will take effect from the date of change in cost base downwards / increase by more than 10% from the previous base price. Change of shipping freight forwarder shall notify the customer an email to: allard.huang@tp-link.com, yuriy.golubenko@tp-link.com, natalia.drobyazko@tp-link.com. This new base price for one liter of diesel fuel taken back the cost base, changed to 10%.
The parties agree that the review tariffs twice a month. Base rates are given in the Appendix to this agreement. The first review of base rates by the Annex to this contract is the first working day of the calendar month, while tariffs are valid until 15th of the current review misyatsya.Druhyy base tariffs under the annex to this contract is the 16th of the month and are valid until the last day this month. If the day falls on the second revision vacation or holiday, it is postponed to the next working day.

The Parties agree that revising tariffs to this agreement will be carried out automatically.
basic fees for one liter of diesel средня price for a liter diesel fuel according to website http://www.uapetrol.Com/test/oilNews/index.html. The basic fees for diesel fuel (per liter, VAT inclusive) as of 20.04.2015 makes up UAH 20,35 per liter.
by changing the basic value of diesel fuel toward increased/decreased by more than 10%The cost of delivery will be also changed by 5%.
New tariffs shall come into force on modification dates for basic value in side increased/decreased by more than 10% from the previous basic value.To change the value of cargo delivery Forwarder should inform the customer receive e-mail on the mail addresses : allard.huang@tp-link.com, yuriy.golubenko@tp-link.com, natalia.drobyazko@tp-link.com.The new basic cost of one liter diesel fuel made preliminary basic fees, the revised by 10%.
The Parties agree that revising tariffs is carried out twice a month.Basic tariffs are indicated in the Appendix to this contract. The first revision of the basic tariffs according to supplement to this agreement is in the first working day of the calendar monthAt that, tariffs are valid till the 15th day of the current month.The second review of the basic tariffs according to supplement to this agreement is the 16 th day of the current month and are valid for until the last day of this month.If the day of the second review falls on the original or a festive day, he is carried over to the next working day.