Перерахування еквiваленту в гривнi вiд продажу валюти 100 000.00 EUR на умовах СПОТ по курсу 11.3 за 1.00, дата 02.09.2011, згiдно заяви № 1 вiд 02.09.2011
Transferring equiv of i valentu at 145 roubles and in currency sales and d 100 000.00 EUR on a SPOT on the course of 11.3 per 1.00, date 02.09.2011, and changes according the bottom application No. 1 in i e 02.09.2011
Transfer equivalent in hryvnias from the sale of 100 000.00 EUR currency on a spot at the rate of 11.3 for 1.00, date 02.09.2011, according to the statement number 1 on 02.09.2011
Enumeration to equivalent in hryvnias from the sale of currency 100 000.00 EUR on conditions SPOT on course 11.3 behind 1.00, date 02.09.2011, in accordance assert № 1 from 02.09.2011