Dear Vìktorìê Vìktorìvno!Limited liability company "TÌPÌ-LINC LLC (hereinafter referred to as the" society "), edrpou code 37469903, expresses his respect and informs about the following. February 11, 2013, through a system of electronic document circulation "M.E.Doc IS" the company had filed a tax return with the tax on profit of enterprises for the year 2012 marked "final" with observance of the established law terms and display correctly assessed a tax liability of $ 322 163,00 (three hundred twenty-two thousand one hundred sixty-three UAH 00 kopeks) UAH. Receipt of filing tax return on February 11, 2013 is attached. Thus, the Declaration was filed by society in the proper order and the established laws of the time.Due to a technical failure of the system "M.E.Doc ER", February 14, 2013, the society was again sent a tax return with the tax on profit of enterprises for the year 2012 marked "final", showing the indicators that are not true, and it is a reflection of the tax liability of $ 00 hryvnias 00 kopeks (corresponding receipt of filing tax return on February 14, 2013 attached). In receipt of a second filing tax return on February 14, 2013 contains a message indicating that: 1) this document is not accepted;2) Declaration of enterprise income tax for the year 2012 filed 11.02.2013 and recorded in the register for # 9087474552 from 11.02.2013 confirming the correct and timely filing of the Declaration. According to the above declaration, filed again on 14 February 2013, was filed by mistake and was not accepted by the tax authority.However, according to information provided by employees of the State Tax Inspectorate, this Declaration is recorded in the register of the tax authority, despite the existence of evidence of her acceptance. In this regard, at the request of employees of the State Tax Inspectorate in the Shevchenko district of Mìndohodìv in Kyiv, March 13, 2013, the company had filed the Declaration marked "utočnûûča", which contained the original amount of tax liability, the report proclaimed February 11, 2013, namely 322 163,00 USD (three hundred twenty-two thousand one hundred sixty-three hryvnias 00 kopeks). Receipt of filing tax return on March 13, 2013 is attached. Hence, the Declaration was again filed March 13, 2013 is not reason for adjustment of the amount of tax liability, and solely in connection with technical imbalances in the tax authority.Also, it should be noted that the amount of the correct tax liability of $ 322 163,00 (three hundred twenty-two thousand one hundred sixty-three UAH 00 kopeks) UAH was paid by society in terms stipulated by the legislation, namely February 15, 2013. The corresponding payment order is attached. However, to date, the State tax inspection in the Shevchenko district of DFS requires from the company view of another utočnoûčogo a report indicating the fine in the amount of 3% from the sum of the understatement of tax liability, referring to a declaration from February 14, 2013 (which has a status of not accepted) as such, which reflects the understatement of tax liability, and on the Declaration on 13 March 2013 as the followingthat corrects is underestimated. Thus, the State tax inspection qualifies such violation in accordance with subparagraph a) of paragraph 1 of article 50 of the tax code of Ukraine. Based on the above, please note that the Company has ensured the timely filing of declaration with the correct parameters (as confirmed by relevant documents), and therefore grounds for calculating penalties are absent. In this regard, please confirm the correctness of submitting Company declaration from 11.02.2013 and payment of tax liability, as well as cancel indication about imposing penalties on the company. Applications:1) Receipt of filing tax return on February 11, 2013-copy.2) Receipt of filing tax return on February 14, 2013-copy. 3) Receipt of filing tax return on March 13, 2013-copy. 4) payment order No. 764 from February 15, 2013-copy.