Osnovnыm direction activities javljaetsja company supplies a wide assortment of valves, pipeline components, stop and rehulyruyuschey fittings, krepezhnыh elements, counters, control and measuring of devices, hatch covers and pozharnыh kanalyzatsyonnыh hydrantov. Assortment postavlyaemoy of products for water, heat, hazosnabzhenyya, kommunalnoho economy , Energy, neftepererabatыvayuschey, hymycheskoy, pulp and pererabatыvayuschey, pyschevoy, Metal industry and for sudostroytelnoy industry. of pipeline Steel, Stainless, 09G2S, cast iron, polyrovannыe, plated, эmalyrovannыe: Bends, transitions, caps, tee-joints, flanges, fittings Steel, cast iron , brass. Stop and rehulyruyuschaya fittings chuhunnaya, Steel, stainless, gate valves cast iron, steel, brass, nozhevыe, cranes Spherical flantsevыe, pryvarnыe, muftovыe for water, steam, gas, oil, petroleum products, valves dyskovыe Butterfly, mezhflantsevыe, flantsevыe, valves Returning mezhflantsevыe, flantsevыe, muftovыe, valves predohranytelnыe, sbrosnыe, balansyrovochnыe valves, process regulation valves, electromagnetic valves, valves, cast iron, steel, brass, Fire-, muftovыe, flantsevыe, filters osadochnыe flantsevыe, muftovыe, vybrovstavky flantsevыe, muftovыe, эlektropryvodы for gate valves, Butterfly, valves and etc. pnevmopryvodы. Hatches kanalyzatsyonnыe: cast iron, polimerpeschanye, Polymer, kompozytnыe, lyvnepryemnyky. Fire-hydrantы: cast iron, steel, podstavky pod hydrantы. holddown element, metyzы: Nuts, nuts, shaybы, pins and for metrovыe flanged joints with no pavement and pavement.