1. Якщо Постачальник є платником Податку на додану вартість та операція (операції) за Договором є об'єктом оподаткування Податком на додану вартість, Постачальник зобов’язаний надати Покупцю податкову накладну, складену в електронній формі з дотриманням умови щодо реєстрації у порядку, визначеному законодавством, електронного підпису уповноваженої платником особи, та зареєстровану в Єдиному реєстрі податкових накладних не пізніше п'ятнадцяти календарних днів, наступних за датою їх складання.
2. У випадку ненадання податкової накладної, прострочення строку її подання, надання неналежним чином оформленої, відсутності реєстрації податкової накладної у Єдиному реєстрі податкових накладних, здійснення такої реєстрації з порушення встановлених термінів, Постачальник зобов'язаний протягом 5-ти банківських днів з дня пред’явлення Покупцем вимоги, сплатити на користь останнього штраф, який дорівнює сумі податку на додану вартість, згідно такої податкової накладної, а випадку якщо податкова накладна не надана, штраф сплачується у розмірі податкового зобов'язання з податку на додану вартість.
3. У випадку не сплати Продавцем штрафу згідно п. 2 даної Додаткової угоди, Покупець має право в односторонньому порядку негайно розірвати укладений з Продавцем Договір на підставі неналежного виконання Продавцем своїх зобовязань за Договором. При цьому Продавець несе повну відповідальність за неналежне виконання своїх обов’язків за Договором та зобов’язаний відшкодувати Покупцеві всі збитки, завдані розірванням Договору, в тому числі й упущену вигоду.
4. Покупець повідомляє Продавця про одностороннє розірвання Договору письмово, протягом 14 календарних днів з дня його розірвання.
5. У випадку визнання податковим органом та/або рішенням суду неправомірно сформованого податкового кредиту Покупцем по податкових накладних Постачальника в тому числі, але не обмежуючись наступними підставами:
1. If the Supplier is a payer of value added tax and the operation (transaction) according to the contract is the object of taxation of value added tax, the supplier is obliged to provide to the buyer the tax invoice, composed in electronic form in compliance with the conditions for registration in the manner prescribed by the legislation, the electronic signature of an authorized payer entity and registered in the unified register tax invoices no later than 15 calendar days following the date of their Assembly.2. in case of failure of the tax bill, delay the term of its submission, the provision of properly designed, lack of registration tax invoice in the unified register of tax invoices, the implementation of such a desk with deadlines, the supplier is obliged within 5 banking days from the day of presentation of Buyer requirements, pay the latter a penalty equal to the amount of value added tax, according to such a tax bill, but if the tax bill is not provided , the fine shall be paid in the amount of the tax liability from the value added tax.3. in case of not paying the Seller fine according to paragraph 2 of this supplementary agreement, the buyer has the right to unilaterally immediately terminate the concluded Contract with the seller on the basis of improper performance by the seller of his obligations under the contract. In this case, the seller shall bear full responsibility for the improper performance of their duties under the contract and is obliged to reimburse the buyer all damages, caused by the breaking of the contract, including lost profits.4. The buyer informs the seller about the unilateral termination of the contract in writing within 14 calendar days from the day of its dissolution. 5. In the case of recognition of the tax agency and/or the Court improperly formed tax credit Purchaser for tax invoices the supplier including, but not limited to the following reasons:

1. If the supplier is a taxable value added tax and transaction (operations) under the Agreement is subject to tax value added tax, Supplier shall provide the Buyer a tax invoice, drawn up electronically in compliance with the conditions for registration in accordance with the law , the electronic signature of the authorized person by the payer and registered in the Unified Register of tax invoices no later than fifteen calendar days following the date of their preparation.
2. In case of failure of the tax bill, the delay of its submission, the provision improperly executed, there is no registration tax bill in the Unified Register of tax bills, registration of such an infringement of deadlines, the Supplier shall within 5 banking days of the presentation Buyer requirements for the latter pay a penalty equal to the amount of value added tax under such a tax bill and the tax bill if the case is not provided, the fine is paid in the amount of tax liability of value added tax.
3. In case of payment by the Seller penalty according to p. 2 of the Supplementary Agreement, the Purchaser has the right to unilaterally terminate immediately signed with the Seller Treaty on the basis of improper performance by the Seller of its obligations under the Treaty. This seller is solely responsible for the improper performance of its obligations under the Contract and shall indemnify the Purchaser for all losses caused by cancellation of the contract, including lost profits.
4. Buyer shall notify the Seller to unilaterally terminate the Agreement in writing, within 14 calendar days from the date of termination.
5. In the case of recognition of the tax authority and / or the court improperly formed Buyer tax credit on tax invoices Supplier including but not limited to the following reasons:

1. If Supplier is liable vat and operation (operation) under the Agreement is an object of value added taxation, Provider must give the buyer order giving tax,Folded in electronic form in compliance with the terms and conditions regarding the registration in accordance with the procedures established by law, electronic signature of an authorized by the personAnd registered in a single register of tax invoices not later than 15 calendar days following the date of its formation.
2. In case of tax invoice, delay of submission,Provision of properly executed, absence of registration of tax invoice in a single register of tax invoices, making such registration with the violation of termsSupplier shall within 5 banking days from the date of presentation Buyer requirements, pay for the benefit of the last fine, which is the sum of VAT, according to such tax invoice,But if the tax bill is not provided, the fine is paid at a rate of tax liability for the VAT
3. In case you do not pay a fine Seller indicated in clause 2 This additional agreement,The buyer has the right to unilaterally terminate immediately secured by the Seller Agreement on the basis of improper fulfillment of the seller of his obligations under the Contract.In this case the seller bears full responsibility for improper performance of his duties under the Contract and shall reimburse the buyer all losses incurred at the Treaty, including loss of profit.
4.The buyer the seller about unilateral agreement termination in writing within 14 calendar days from the date of its termination.
5.In case of ruling the tax authority and/or the Court unlawfully formed a tax credit buyer on tax invoices Supplier including, but not limited to the following considerations: