Повідомляємо, що 11 жовтня 2014 р. система "Клієнт - Банк" (розробки ТОВ "Біфіт") не буде доступна з 09:00 год. до 10:30 год. через проведення технологічних робіт.
Dear customer! To inform you that on 11 October 2014. system "Client-Bank" (Development LLC "according to") will not be available from 09: 00 h. to 10: 30 h. through the technology works.
Dear Customer, Please be advised that the October 11, 2014 "Client - Bank" (designed by LLC "Bifit") will be available from 09:00 hrs. to 10:30 h. because of technological work.
We report of, that 11 octobers 2014 r. System "Client is a Bank" (of elaboration TOV "Bifit") will not be available with 09: 00 god. To 10: 30 god. Across provedennya technological work.