з охорони праці №1.1
для проведення вступного інструктажу з питань охорони праці
Закон України «Про охорону праці» поширюється на всі організації, підприємства та установи, незалежно від форми власності. Закон передбачає, що при укладанні трудового договору працівник мас бути проінформований під розписку про умови праці, наявність на робочому місці, де він буде працювати, небезпечних та шкідливих виробничих факторів, можливі наслідки їх впливу на здоров'я та його права на пільги і компенсації за роботу в таких умовах.
Працівник мас право відмовитись від дорученої роботи, якщо створилась виробнича ситуація, небезпечна для його життя чи здоров'я. За період простою з цих причин, за працівником зберігається середній заробіток. Працівник мас право розірвати трудовий договір за власним бажанням, якщо власник не виконує законодавство про працю. У цьому випадку працівнику виплачується вихідна допомога в розмірі, передбаченому колективним договором, але не менше тримісячного заробітку.
Всі працівники підлягають обов'язковому соціальному страхуванню власником від нещасних випадків і професійних захворювань.
Працівники, зайняті на роботах з важкими та шкідливими умовами праці, безкоштовно забезпечуються лікувально-профілактичним харчуванням, молоком або рівноцінними харчовими продуктами, мають право на оплачувані перерви санітарно-оздоровчого призначення, скорочення тривалості робочого часу, додаткову оплачувану відпустку, пільгову пенсію та інші пільги та компенсації, що надаються згідно з чинним законодавством.
Власник може за свої кошти додатково встановлювати за колективним договором (угодою) пільги і компенсації, не передбачені чинним законодавством.
На роботах із шкідливими і небезпечними умовами праці, а також на роботах, пов'язаних із забрудненням або здійснюваних у несприятливих температурних умовах, працівникам видаються безкоштовно за встановленими нормами спеціальний одяг, спеціальне взуття та інші засоби індивідуального захисту, а також змиваючі та знешкоджуючі засоби.
Фонд соціального страхування від нещасних випадків зобов'язаний відшкодувати працівникові шкоду, заподіяну йому каліцтвом або іншим ушкодженням здоров'я, пов'язаним з виконанням трудових обов'язків, у повному розмірі втрачений заробіток відповідно до законодавства, а також сплатити потерпілому (членам сім'ї та утриманцям померлого) одноразову допомогу.
Якщо відповідно до медичного висновку потерпілому встановлена стійка втрата працездатності, одноразова допомога потерпілому має бути не менше суми, визначеної з розрахунку його середньомісячного заробітку за кожний відсоток втрати ним професійної працездатності.
У разі смерті потерпілого розмір одноразової допомоги повинен бути не менше п'ятирічного заробітку працівника на його сім'ю, крім того, не менше однорічного заробітку на кожного утриманця померлого, а також на його дитину, яка народилася після смерті. Якщо нещасний випадок трапився внаслідок невиконання потерпілим вимог нормативних актів про охорону праці, розмір одноразової допомоги може бути зменшено в порядку, що визначається комісією з розслідування нещасного випадку, але не більш як на п'ятдесят відсотків. Фонд
Instructionlabour protection no. 1.1to conduct an introductory briefing on the issues of labour protection THE MAIN PROVISIONS OF THE LAW OF UKRAINE "ON PROTECTION OF LABOUR", "LABOR CODE AND OTHER NORMATIVE ACTSLaw of Ukraine "on protection of labour" covers all organizations, enterprises and institutions, regardless of ownership. Law provides that upon concluding an employment contract the employee masses be notified on receipt of working conditions, the presence in the workplace where it will work, hazardous and harmful production factors, consequences of their impact on health and of his right to benefits and compensation for work in such conditions.Worker masses right to refuse the work if the work was created, the production situation is dangerous for his life or health. During the period of downtime for these reasons, the officer kept the average earnings. Worker masses right to terminate the employment contract on their own, if the owner does not perform labor legislation. In this case, the employee is paid severance pay in the amount stipulated by collective agreement, but not less than three month earnings.All employees subject to mandatory social insurance holder against accidents and occupational diseases.The workers, employed on the works with difficult and harmful working conditions, free provided medical-prophylactic food, milk or equivalent food, have a right to paid breaks for sanitary health destination, reducing the duration of working time, additional paid leave, reduced retirement benefits and other perks and compensation provided under applicable law.The owner may by their funds advanced to establish a collective agreement (the agreement) benefits and compensation is not provided for by the legislation.Works with hazardous or dangerous working conditions, as well as works related to pollution or occurring in adverse temperature conditions, workers are issued free of charge according to the norms of special clothing, special footwear and other means of individual protection, as well as washing and zneškodžuûčì tools.Fund of social insurance against accidents is obliged to indemnify the worker harm caused him injury or other injury to health, related to the performance of employment duties in full, the amount of lost earnings according to the legislation, as well as pay the victim (family members and utrimancâm of the deceased) a one-time assistance.If according to the medical report the victim set front incapacitation, one-time assistance for the victim should not be less than the amount determined on the basis of his average monthly wages for each percentage of the loss of him professional efficiency.In case of death of the victim the size of one-time assistance should be not less than the five-year earnings a worker on his family, in addition, not less than one year of earnings for each dependant of the deceased, as well as his child, who was born after his death. If the accident had occurred as a result of failure to comply with requirements of the normative acts of the victims on the protection of labour, the size of the lump sum aid may be reduced in the order determined by the Commission investigating the accident, but not more than fifty percent. Foundation

on health №1.1
for the induction of the safety SUMMARY OF THE LAW OF UKRAINE "On Labour Protection", "Labour Code" and other normative acts Law of Ukraine "On Labour Protection" applies to all organizations, enterprises and institutions, regardless of ownership. The Act provides that the employment contract worker masses to be informed on receipt of working conditions, the presence in the workplace, where it will work, hazardous and harmful factors, the possible consequences of their impact on health and their rights benefits and compensation for work in such conditions. worker have the right to refuse assigned work, if developed is an industrial situation, it is dangerous to life or health. During the period of downtime for these reasons, the employee remains average earnings. The worker have the right to terminate the employment agreement on their own, if the owner does not comply with the labor law. In this case, the employee shall be paid severance pay at the rate prescribed by the collective agreement, but not less than three months wages. All employees subject to compulsory social insurance holder against accidents and occupational diseases. Workers employed in jobs with difficult and hazardous conditions, provided free preventive nutrition, milk or equivalent foodstuffs are entitled to paid breaks sanitary and health improvement, reduction of working hours, additional paid leave, preferential pensions and other benefits and compensation provided under the current legislation. The owner may at his own expense in addition set under the collective agreement (contract) compensation and benefits not provided by applicable law. At work with harmful and dangerous working conditions and in jobs associated with pollution or carried out in adverse temperature conditions, employees are free on established standards special clothes, special footwear and other personal protective equipment, and wash off and decontaminating agents. Social insurance fund accidents shall reimburse the employee the damage caused him injury or other impairment of health 'I related to the performance of duties in the full amount lost wages under the law and pay the victim (family members and dependents of the deceased) lump sum. If according to the medical report the victim set persistent disability, disposable help the victim must be not less than the amount determined on the basis of his average monthly salary for each percentage of loss of employability. In case of death of the victim lump size must be at least five years of earnings the employee to his family, in addition, at least one year earnings for each dependent of the deceased and his child who was born after his death. If the accident occurred due to failure of victim requirements of regulations on labor protection, the size of the lump sum may be reduced in the manner determined by the commission to investigate the accident, but no more than fifty percent. Fund

The instruction
on labor protection no. 1.1
for introductory instruction on labor protection
the main provisions of the Law of Ukraine "On Labor Remuneration", "Code of Labor Laws and other regulatory acts
Law of Ukraine "On Labor protection extends to all organizations, enterprises and institutions, irrespective of the form of ownership. We have a law that providesAt the conclusion of a labor contract employee mass be informed under the signature on the terms of labor, presence in the workplace, where he will be working dangerous and harmful production factors,The possible consequences of their influence on health and its right to privileges and compensations for work in such conditions.
Worker mass right to refuse from the mission entrusted work, if production has become the situationDangerous for his life or health. During the period of inactivity of these reasons, the employee remains the average earnings. The employee mass right to terminate the employment agreement voluntarily,If the owner does not adhere to the laws on work. In this case, the employee is paid output of stipulated by the collective agreement, but not less than 3 months earnings.
All employees are subject to obligatory social insurance owner of accident and professional diseases.
workers occupied in works with severe and adverse labor conditionsSupplied free medical-preventive nutrition, milk or different in foodstuff, have the right to paid break sanitary-recreational purposes,Reducing the duration of working time, additional paid leave, preferential pensions and other privileges and compensations provided in accordance with current legislation.
Owner can for their funds install additional under the collective agreement (agreement) privileges and compensations, not stipulated by the current legislation.
For works with hazardous conditions andAs well as in works with contamination by or performed in unfavorable temperature conditions, employees are issued free of charge in accordance with the norms of the special clothing,Special shoes and other means of individual protection, as well as змиваючі and знешкоджуючі means.
The Fund of social insurance from accidents obligation to compensate for the damageCaused him for permanent injury or other result of health related to performance of duties in the full amount of lost earnings in accordance with the law,As well as to pay the victim (members of the family and утриманцям deceased) one-time assistance payment.
If according to a medical cerebrum victim installed steady loss of capacity,One-time allowance to the victim must be not less than the sum insured, determined at the rate of the average monthly salary for each percentage of his professional disability.
In the case of the victim's death the size of the one-time should not be less than five-year earning an employee in his/her family, in addition, not less than one-year facility - the remuneration for each утриманця dead,As well as its child born after death. If нещасний case occurred due to failure of the victims to statutory acts on labor safety,The size of the one-time may be reduced in the order determined by the commission to investigate the accident, but for not more than fifty percent. The fund