Вам надіслано запит (у вкладеному файлі), який необхідно заповнити, підписати і поставити печатку та відправити нам ел. поштою на адресу request@rla.com.ua (скан-копію) та звичайною поштою (оригінал) за адресою
Hello dear Customer!You sent a request (attached file) that you want to fill in, sign and put the seal and send us e-mail. by mail to the address request@rla.com.ua (scan-copy) and regular mail (original) at
Hello, Dear Customer, You have received a request (in the attachment), which must complete, sign and stamp and send us an email. mail to request@rla.com.ua (scanned copy) and regular mail (original) at
sent request (the attachment .), which should be filled in, sign and put the seal and send email The mailing address request@rla.com.Ua (tarnished-copy) and mailed (original) Web page