Additional Agreement №1
to rental contracts №258 dated 30 September 2014. Kyiv, October 6 2014. Limited Liability Company "Astratek", represented by the Director Ulezka Vladimir Vladimirovich, acting under the Charter, hereinafter "Landlord" with one hand, and Limited Liability Company "tipi-Link UKRAINE" in the person of Lian Jun, hereinafter "Lessee", on the other hand, when a single mention of "Party" and jointly with the mention "Parties", have concluded this Supplemental Agreement ( hereinafter - the "Agreement"), as follows: 1. The parties agreed to change p.4.2. Rental contracts №258 dated 30 September 2014 (hereinafter - the "Agreement") and put it as follows: 1.1. "The amount of rent for the first month's rent is 127,121 (one hundred and twenty-seven thousand one hundred twenty-one) USD. , 05 kop., including VAT 21 186 USD. 84 kopecks. The amount of rent for one month from December 1, 2014 is 85,272 (eighty-five thousand two hundred seventy-two) UAH., 00., including VAT 14 212 UAH., 00. " 2. Other conditions of the Agreement remain unchanged. 3. This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature and is an integral part of the rental contracts №224 on November 5, 2013. 4. This Agreement is drawn up in two copies having equal legal force, one for each Party.